The Bullet Journal


I've started this thing. Its called a Bullet Journal, and it's amazing. It is a kind of planner/notebook that you create yourself. I have always been obsessed with organization, so planners are a staple yearly purchase for me. The unfortunate part, is that I have never found a planner that is laid out exactly how I want, or contains all the features I need. Whilst stumbling about on the vast Interwebs, I came across this new form of planner. Basically you make your own. How innovative, right? Its actually brilliant, in my opinion. See, a planner is vital to staying organized, and keeping track of meetings/to do lists/random tidbits you don't want to forget. I am the type of person to utilize Notes in my iPhone for all those things, but it is mostly organized chaos with lists on lists and many containing some of the same info. I wanted a place to keep all my lists in a searchable way, amidst my monthly, weekly, and daily agendas, and the Bullet Journal is that place. I will link the YouTube video below that started it all and you can check out the original website here. I'll also post a picture of the supplies I got to start my own. It has been a really cool and fluid tool to use while life is so crazy for me right now. I'll probably make a YouTube video on a few of my layouts so I can look back on them in a few months and see what progress I make in the design department. Right now its pretty sparse, but it definitely gets the job done. I would love to learn how to use brush pens in order to decorate a bit more, and work on my handwriting, so that will be another thing to be able to look back on as well as a cool new skill to learn. How do you organize your life? Are you a Notes App person or a Planner person? Let me know in the comments below! 




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