Second Trimester of Pregnancy Diary- Week by Week
I'm 31 weeks and 6 days as I'm making this post. It's already so interesting to go back and read about how I was feeling just a few months ago because I've already forgotten so much! I HIGHLY recommend keeping a pregnancy diary for this very reason! You think you'll never forget a second of this magical time until you do lol. Read on for a week by week breakdown of the second trimester of my first pregnancy!
Second Trimester Diary
14 Weeks
- got super tired again. I think I just overworked myself cleaning out our cabinets. Feeling slight pinching cramps. Go back for another ultrasound this Thursday. Hoping everything is okay.
- Twingy cramps every day this week.
- 2/3- 14 week ultrasound baby is fine and measuring appropriately. HR 147. Cramps are round ligaments loosening/being sore
- Major tension headache this week
15 Weeks
- Headache again. Bought new pillows to see if it helps. Sorta moody this week? At least today I am.
- Horrible tailbone pain. Feels like my lower back is out of alignment and nothing is helping. Trying a bath tonight now that I got my bath thermometer. Also got my maternity leggings in this week. SOOOO much comfier. Everything else hurt or sucked. I don’t want anything touching my stomach really but these leggings are fine.
- Maybe just felt baby move???? 2/10/22 also my feet have already started to hurt but it may be cause I was standing all day lol
- Weird cramp/twinges in/near uterus.
16 weeks
- just had my appt with Dr. Gonzales in bham. Everything looks good with baby and my ovaries are back to normal. He wants to see us back in 7 weeks to monitor the baby’s growth and the health of the placenta. He said my ovaries could have swelled for 1 or more of 3 reasons. I produce too much HCG, I can’t break it down, or I can’t flush it out. The placenta having a tumor could cause me to produce too much HCG. My liver might not be able to break it down quickly enough could leave me with too much. Or my kidneys might not be able to flush it out quickly enough. He mentioned a condition called intrahepatic choleostasis in pregnancy (IHCP) which was a possible explanation of why my liver might be unable to break down the hormones my body was producing. No telling yet what actually caused it but we’re monitoring baby’s growth and placenta size/shape to be on the safe side.
- Water isn’t so hard to drink again! Yay!
- Tomorrow 2/17 is our gender scan!
- It’s a boy! We’re naming him Maverick Jay. ????????
- My lower back is KILLING me today. I think it’s out on the lower left cause it feels like a catch and like it won’t support me when I stand. Sleeping on my side is miserable. My pregnancy pillow doesn’t really work to keep me from rolling over so that freaks me out.
- Got the pillow topper and doc said sleeping on my back wouldn’t be that bad at this point anyways. Finally got some sleep for the past 2 nights. Glorious. No hip or shoulder pain. No neck pain. Feel rested. Honestly this pillow topper is the best thing I've bought for myself so far in this pregnancy.
- Had a SUPER weird dream last night. I was in a field of wildflowers outside a cottage that belonged to Shauna and all of our dogs were in the field with us. Hers got in a fight with a huge fox and ripped its tail off. She thought it would leave but then my dogs attacked it and I tried to get them to go inside but then the fox attacked me and it was one of those dreams where you’re so weak you can’t use your arms and I tried to push the fox off me and my hands went to its throat and the dogs had bitten a hole in its throat and my thumb went in and I touched the base of its tongue and I freaked out and woke up??????
- Here is my baby bump and Maverick's ultrasound from 16 weeks!
17 weeks
- hungry? Water not so bad. Trying to drink tons more.
- So much discharge from every orifice. Nose, vag, etc.
- feel very full all the time. Stretched. Bloated but not?
- Weird dream about mom (this is me telling her about the dream): You had had some kind of minor surgery but they put you under for it and I was in recovery with you while you were in the bed and you were acting like a toddler lol. Messing with everything and talking back to the nurse and then you got up and were rolling around in a wheel chair while she was trying to explain some things to me and one of the things she said was that you had been pregnant and it created a plaque (??????) that they had to remove and that you would be very upset if you found out about it so we were trying to keep you from seeing this booklet she was reading to me lol. And then I turn around and you're writing code on their computers and I told the nurse she better stop you or you'd take over the whole hospital or something and then I woke up hahahahah
- I’m preeeeetttyyyy sure I feel the baby moving in my belly when I roll from side to side in the mornings? It’s so hard to tell though.
- Nesting has commenced. I’ve bought baby stuff at Kid’s Market ($350 ????) and I’ve started organizing and cleaning and culling lol.
18 weeks
- I think I feel him move?? Tiny taps and rolls when I roll over. Still not totally sure.
- Very. Hungry.
- Last night I think he was kicking me for hours??? Either that or my gut was bubbling. But it felt like his bulk was on the right and all the taps were on the left lol. It was funny.
- Heard his heartbeat on the Doppler Emma gave me ???? (turns out it might have just been my placenta lol. It’s hard to use the Doppler.)
- Trouble sleeping. May just be Derek’s snoring ????
- Definitely feelings kicks. Or punches. Or something. Lol
- Told the rest of my family the baby’s name (not that it was a secret lol)
19 weeks
- I felt him move so much Monday at work!
- Thursday night and Friday morning he moved a ton too. It’s reassuring to feel. I thought it would be weird but it’s not.
- Starting to like sweets again! Still prefer savory but KitKats and the sugar orange slices are yum. Oh and ice cream.
- Starting to feel weird if I lay on my back for a long time
- Having sharp round ligament pains
20 weeks!!!!
- halfway there!!!!!!
- When he moves it’s definitely noticeable now. Not so much taps like it was, now it’s more sweeping full on squirms??? Feels like a huge poop is moving through my intestines but then it happens in odd places lol.
- Had my 20 week checkup with the NP- all is well. ????
- Moms friend gave us a book and a crab bath toy. So cute!
- Feeling lots of movement.
- Feeling very emotional today. Just want to eat healthy and have no motivation to do so. I just want vegetables ????????????????
- I saw my belly move with some kicks today ????
21 weeks
- having WEIRD dreams. 1) resort in Mexico- stepping on lizards. Made friends with Tom the maintenance man and then made savory crepes to share with him and Pete who was downstairs in the bar. 2) went back to “school”, lived in all girls dorm/apartment and kept having to let Sarah in but Shauna was already in with me and Sarah had given both of us her 2 keys. I had Luna and we went all over campus but it was also like Hogwarts? I had a gothic literature class and shared inside jokes with the professor??
- Maverick definitely has some sleep cycles now. He kicks when I’m still and is still when I’m moving around.
- Katie gave us a pack and play with all the attachments, a diaper genie, and a baby carrier! And a few newborn onesies! So nice!
- Pressure and pain in my lower abdomen this week. Not sure why.
- Apparently I lied to Derek in my sleep last night? I had just gone to bed but had apparently passed out and he came to bed shortly after. He said I reached out to him and kinda flapped my fingers at him so he asked if I was awake and I said “uh huh!” I was definitely not awake. He got in the bed and then I apparently grabbed his booty ????????????????
22 weeks
- Hunnnggrryyyyy
- Just got a craving for a milkshake ???? I think that’s only my second real craving. I think the first was melon. I didn’t know specifically what melon but it turned out to be honeydew.
- Many episodes of mom brain today
- Woke up to a horrible back cramp that just won’t go away ???????????? I think it was from twisting sharply to wake Derek up from a night terror last night.
- Derek can really feel the kicks now ????
- Had anatomy scan in bham! Mav looks great! Measuring exactly right.
- Very bad left calf pain. Worried about DVT. Called doc. Referred to OBED. Everything was fine.
- He pushed his whole booty or head out the side of my belly today ???????????? it really grossed me out. I patted on it and then pushed on it a little and he went back in but it made me really flushed feeling and light headed lol.
- Here's my 22 week bump and ultrasound!
23 weeks
- nothing is really different? He pushed out against my skin again this week. I think it was his back this time.
- I think nesting is happening. I want to clean and organize all the things.
- Went out for my 30th birthday this week. Had pizza at yellowhammer then went to Fractal and jumped around and sang to songs I knew in middle school. It was fun. Then went back to Lone Goose and stayed there til midnight. I was exhausted and everyone else was hammered lol.
- Really feeling the bump lately?? It’s getting bigger and it’s definitely obvious I’m pregnant now. I’m embracing it and sort of loving it. Hahah
- I laid in bed watching my belly jump with his acrobatics tonight. It made me giggle which made him move more. ????
- 23 week baby bump picture!
24 weeks
- He’s really active during certain periods of the day now
- Had another appointment this week. Just a check up for me and everything looks good!
- Heartburn is pretty bad this week. Usually at night but also all day. Also v gassy.
25 weeks
- Love feeling him move. Heartburn and gas still raging.
- Got a cold this week. Afraid to take any meds so gunna try to tough it out with just essential oils.
- Worst night of heartburn so far
- Next night was better- ate less all day and didn’t have anything acidic I don't think
- Was more emotional today than all other days combined. Probably to do with not eating very much.
- He was super active at midnight and 6:30am today
- I’ve also been experiencing lower back pain/fatigue?? For a week or 2 now.
- Veins more obvious now, also painful if they get hit??? (Derek tapped my wrist where a bundle of veins is and it hurt so bad!)
26 weeks
- Exhausted this week. He must be growing a lot.
- Feeling really heavy/huge.
- Pregnancy brain so bad I couldn’t remember my entire weekend when Emma asked me on Monday ????
- He’s really pressing against me now. I can feel my stomach from the outside and feel big hard lumps poking out lol.
- I can see the kicks really well, my whole stomach jumps
- Had another ultrasound today! He’s growing right on track! ????
- 26 week baby bump pic!
27 weeks
- last week of second trimester! Picking a pediatrician this week. Love feeling him move. He loves Derek’s voice- kicks like crazy when he hears him.
- Feeling HELLA anxious tonight. It’s probably residual from the drama of the weekend :/
- One of my fave things to do now is lay with my shirt pulled up and watch my belly move
- Headache today. Dehydration? Prolly.
- Still headache the next day. Trying to drink more water. Could have also been from laying on the couch funny?
- Get full super fast
Overall I did have more energy in my second trimester than in the first which was really nice. I was able to get some things done, and still have energy for, you know, LIFE lol. It was incredible to start feeling him move more and more even though some of the movements were so weird at first that they made me feel like I was going to pass out. Luckily it didn't take long to get used to them, and now I love them. Even the big crazy ones where I literally am like "What the HECK are you doing in there, kid?!"
I didn't really have any aversions in my second trimester, and was able to start cooking again. Had some minor aches and pains but nothing horrific. Overall it was a pretty easy time, thankfully. I'm working on my third trimester diary and plan to post that at some point after I deliver, so between now and then I'll be posting a few blogs about some things I've found helpful, the clothes I bought and have been loving, and anything else I can think of. :)
If you missed my 1st trimester diary, catch it here!
Thanks for reading!